Brenda Tham is a fashion creative of Chinese-Malaysian descent who specialises in fashion styling and creative direction. Her research and personal connection to Chinese heritage and history enables her to create content that celebrates the culture.
I came to the UK 3 years ago for the first time to go to uni, the experiences I've had here were eye-opening and being in a whole new country has taught me to really appreciate my culture and heritage.
Arriving to a whole new country, I wanted to stand out. I had never been adventurous with my style before in Malaysia because of the social mindset to want to conform and blend in. Coming to the UK for the first time, I saw people on the street being themselves and dressing how they want to dress and I thought wow why can't I do that? And so I did.
I started experimenting with a lot of different fashion styles and aesthetics but it didn't hit me until in first year we had to do a project about culture. My group's concept for the project was mixing modern streetwear with traditional Chinese clothing, it was around that time where I started to form my personal style and really solidify it. Researching about Chinese heritage for the project really propelled me to incorporate my Chinese identity into my creative work and personal style.
TuanJie, Together As One. The title of my fashion film and Final Major Project. There are currently a lot of Chinese fashion design students in the UK right now and more often than not there's a language barrier between student and teacher. Sometimes there's communication issues or ideas that weren't relayed properly, I wanted to give the designers a voice by showcasing their work properly while working together with them to bring their ideas to life.