I am particularly interested in the implementation of new technologies in the fashion industry. This inspired my Final Major Project based around developing concept of metaverse. I truly believe digitalisation can bring positive, sustainable change that business needs.
Amavi is a B2B global creative agency providing services in the area of storytelling and creative disruption. The way customers of the future behave, consume content and most importantly engage with fashion, changes. Developing more immersive experiences will be a way to successfully engage with communities in the future. However, only brands which are able to successfully navigate their way in the new reality, will be able to do it.
Brands need to successfully translate their DNA into the new digital. Upcoming reality is focused around decentralisation of data, due to web 3.0, NFTs, XR technology and other digital tools which provide unique opportunity for brands to create value for their customers.
As fashion becomes more rooted in the digital realm, young cohorts are becomnig more important and fashion brands need to find an authentic way to engage with them in their natural habitat, digital world. Individuals express themselves through communities, and it is key to create genuine narrative and storyline to create social hubs around brand's DNA. Through my research I recognised however, that it is a challenge for brands, so I decided to fill up a gap in the market and create an innovative agency.
As technology is rewriting the rules of fashion industry. Amavi moves away from traditional marketing strategies development and focuses on delivering high quality digital experiences and authentic storyline for fashion brands, in order to create value and profit. The project analyse current hubs of innovation for the future industry including game industry, as well as customers behaviours and market analysis.