I take inspiration from the art world and other design genres. I like to challenge conventional form and shape while incorporating unique colours and materials to create something truly original.
For my Final Major Project, I studied the artworks of Antwan Horfee, a Parisian artist who first gained notoriety for his innovative graffiti throughout Paris and beyond. I focused on his creative drawing and painting techniques through gestural design methods to create wacky componentry with obscure proportions. I honoured his unique aesthetic through the use of colour, depth, texture, and detail throughout my collection, to create distinctive styles.
Antwan Horfee’s influences and references to the historical art cannon are extensive, but his art works demonstrate his ability to adapt and experiment with new storytelling techniques.  Landscapes with a focus on atmosphere and motion are a recurring motif in his work. To create a footwear collection inspired by Horfee, I first must imagine what the footwear would look like if it were part of these imaginative landscapes.